Do you have unwanted skin tags or other growths or imperfections on your face or body? I specialize in the removal of skin tags, milia, moles, ruby points, broken capillaries, syringoma, fatty deposits and more. I use a gentle heat delivery technology called Radio Frequency (electrocautery). It allows me to control the level of heat and depth of treatment to maintain a safe, effective, gentle treatment while protecting the skin from risk for infection or scarring.
The tiny probe allows me to have perfect precision and control to isolate the imperfection itself without harming the surrounding tissue. Unlike other methods, I am able to safely treat the entire eye area including upper eyelids and undereye area without risk of injury to the eye itself. I walk you through the entire process making sure you are comfortable and fully informed. You can relax knowing you are receiving a safe, gentle, effective treatment.
For a free consultation regarding any growths or imperfections you would like treated, please request an appointment by clicking on the link above. Pricing is customized to size of area being treated.
Identify your imperfection
skin tags
Skin tags are harmless growths that can appear anywhere on the body and are generally shaped like a little balloon with a small base and larger top. They are soft to touch and not painful. Skin tags often develop in areas that receive constant friction such as underarm or groin area.
The appearance of many skin tags in a short amount of time may be an indicator of insulin resistance. A visit to your Dr. is recommended for blood sugar measurements.
Treatment: Skin tags respond quickly to treatment. The entire skin tag is dried out and allowed to fall off naturally within 7 days. This reduces risk of infection or scarring as there is zero open wound that requires at-home-care. The skin surrounding the skin tag is left untouched which greatly reduces the size of the treatment area. Numbing is applied for your comfort.
Fibroma are very firm to the touch (like a small stone). They consists of many dense fibers, are harmless growths and generally painless. They often begin as a tiny bump on the skin, barely noticeable and then continue to progress slowly time. They can vary in color (skin toned, red, brown).
Treatment: Due to the density of the fibers, Fibroma are treated in layers and usually required 2 - 3 treatments. After treatment with gentle RF heat, the Fibroma will form a scab a few layers deep. After a week, the scab will fall off to reveal a much smaller Fibroma which will require another treatment until it is completely gone.
Milia are tiny raised bumps with a hard white or yellowish plug that rolls around under the skin when pressed. They are typically found around the eye and nose area but can appear anywhere. They are very difficult and painful to extract manually particularly in the eye area. They consist of dead skin cells and sebum to form the hard plug. Milia can develop for many reasons, however often a product being used that is too thick or rich for the skin type (such as undereye creams) can be the cause. They do not disappear without treatment.
Treatment: Milia can be treated in just a few seconds with Radio Frequency heat which is a far gentler form of removal that manual extractions.
Ruby Points
A ruby point is a cluster of dilated capillaries. They can be red, bluish or purplish in color and vary in size from a tiny pin point and flat to large and raised. They can be found anywhere on the body are harmless. Once treated, they will disappear permanently.
Treatment: Using gentle RF heat, the blood in the ruby point is coagulated (turned from a liquid to a solid) and the capillary is collapsed permanently.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) are commonly referred to as "warts". They are not contagious and are not of the wart family. DPN s a condition of hyperpigmented, hyperkeratotic plaques (thickening of layers of darker colored skin cells). They can appear for any reason, however are often hereditary. They are most commonly found on the face and upper body.
Treatment: They are treated within a few seconds with gentle Radio Frequency heat . They will form a light scab and flake off on their own within a couple weeks. Numbing is applied for your comfort.
Syringomas are hard bumps in the skin caused by the overgrowth of cells from sweat glands (eccrine glands). They are not painful and are harmless and are often hereditary. They are most commonly found in the eye area. They are harmless, however most people prefer to have them removed for cosmetic reasons.
Treatment: Gentle RF heat is applied for for a couple of seconds to dry out and collapse the Syringoma. They will form a light scab that will heal within a few weeks. There is no permanent cure for Syringoma and they usually regrow in a few years time and can be retreated that time.
Moles are very common and often appear as small, dark brown spot caused by clusters of pigment-forming cells called melanocytes that build on each other. They can appear at any age and can progress slowly over time.
Most moles are harmless and not painful. Rarely, they become cancerous. Being aware of changes in your moles and other pigmented patches is important to finding skin cancer. If you notice your mole changing shape, color, texture or becoming irritated, a visit to your Dr. is recommended.
Treatment: Using gentle RF heat, they mole is dried out and shrivels. The mole will form a scab and will fall off on it's own. Some moles may require 2 or 3 treatments depending on their size. Once treated, they rarely return. Numbing is applied for your comfort.
Skin Tag Removal on eyelid using Radio Frequency current - a gentle form of heat. Blood supply to the skin is coagulated at the base, the rest of the skin tag is dried out and allowed to fall off naturally within 5 - 7 days. This is a non-invasive method that is safe to use around the eye area as it is precise and controlled in treating just the lesion with zero risk to surrounding tissue or to the eye itself.
Treatment of large ruby point (cherry hemangioma) on leg area using Radio Frequency current - a gentle heat delivery system to coagulate the blood (turn from a liquid to a solid) which dries out the ruby point for permanent removal.
Skin Tag Removal on neck area using Radio Frequency current - a gentle form of heat. Skin tag is treated at the base first to cut off blood supply and remainder of skin tag is dried out and allowed to fall off naturally within 5 - 7 days. This is a non-invasive method which minimizes risk of infection or scarring.